Find your narrow gate around age 35

Posted at Feb 20, 2024

After the age of 35, I find it hard for me to learn new things. There are physical reasons; I need to sleep earlier and get full energy for tomorrow. There may be pain around the waist or neck when sitting or standing for long periods.

Also, there are attention problems. I need to take care of all kinds of relationships, including family members, clients, and colleagues. This means I am often disturbed by external factors, making it hard to focus on my own tasks.

In China, it is tough for individuals over the age of 35 in job marketing. There is usually an age limit of under 35 in public statements or implicit requirements. Even in large companies, staying from young to middle-age does not assure job security, especially when there is insufficient staffing.

There is an interesting conflict: most Chinese people prefer stable jobs, as the entire education process trains them to think so. But the reality is opposite.

This situation may relate to various reasons, including the population, the economy, and society. Nowadays, we encounter AI or AGI, and this amazing technology exacerbates the challenges for people over 35.

Usually, people over 35 work with experience rather than innovation, which may not be as valuable in the age of AI. Almost all knowledge or information generated by humans is fed to AI, making AI the most experienced human.

Is there any opportunity for people to compete with AI? There must be, I think, because AI has its limits for now. But you must learn and practice to gain that advantage.

Mind the latter part, the practice. Because AI cannot feel the real world, that’s an advantage for humans, especially older ones. You should choose a path that combines your experience or interests with the gap between AI and society. There are some paths that may be suitable:

Food industry: Farmer or cook, for example. Everyone needs to eat, especially healthy or delicious food.

Education industry: AI is a passive machine, but there must be a teacher for newbies who can proactively guide them.

Marketing and sales industry: People have unique emotional feelings that AI does not. People buy everything through emotions, not just wisdom. Only humans have the intuition to influence people’s minds.

Handicraft industry: Try making things by hand in your spare time. Choose non-industrialized products, such as handmade jewelry or house renovations.

You may think of more paths than those above. But no matter which way you choose, it will still require an investment of time. It may not be easy, but you must plan for it earlier. Stable jobs do not exist, and experience in the same job may not be as valuable as you think. For me, it took more than 3 years to transition from a technology professional to a business expert. This really helped me expand my horizon and opportunities.

As the ancient Chinese saying goes, “He who does not plan ahead will find trouble at his door.”

In the age of AI or even AGI, finding your door around the age of 35 would be better if it is a narrow gate, as the Bible said.